Mały dykcyonarz polski i francuski

Registration number


Place of publication/creation

W Mohilewie


w Drukarni Uprzywilejowaney Jaśnie Wielmożnego Arcy Biscupa Mohilew: Rzym: Kościoł:

Date of publication/creation


Edition cipher


Extent, dimensions

223, [39] с. ; 8° (16 см).

Language of the artefact
ОФХ архивных документов, старопечатных изданий и рукописей

Mogilev Printing House or Consistory printing house was opened in 1774 at the Mogilev Roman Catholic Consistory at the request of Archbishop S. Bogush-Sestrentsevich. It mainly printed secular literature in various languages, including in Russian in a civil font. By the Decree of Empress Catherine II of 1780, the printing house was obliged to print official materials.

Copy specific attributes

Part of artificial unit

Age of binding
Book block material
Physical description of the copy

Сігнатуры літарныя: A(8)-O(8), A(8)-B(8).


Гравіраваныя арнаментальныя рамкі і віньеткі на тытульных лістах, застаўкі, канцоўка, наборны арнамент.

Памылка друку калонлічбы: 1-70, 17 [г. зн. 71], 72-223.

Body of the book state of preservation
Additional information about the copy



Actions with the copy

Дэфектны экзэмпляр: адсутнічаюць старонкі ў канцы кнігі.

Provenance of the copy

На тытульным лісце пячатка: Беларускі Дзяржаўны музей. На с. 40-41 рукапісныя паметы.