Collection type: theme-specific.
Volume: 11 units of printed documents.
Chronological framework: 1710–1723 years.
Language of documents: Russian.
More information about the collection: The collection of the NLB presents books that reflect main directions of book-printing in the first quarter of the 18th century (under Peter I). The collection of books dated back to the Peter’s epoch was formed in the NLB after the war. Four books have the seal of the Pskov Theological Seminary and the entry “Pskov Museum”.
E. Brown’s book “The Latest Foundation and Practice of Artillery” has provenances indicating that it belonged to the Meyendorff library. The Meyendorff coat of arms is stamped on the top binding cover, and on the backbone there is a gold lettering: Meyendorff. On the flyleaf and the title sheet there is a stamp: Sichergestellt durch Einsatzstab R. R. Reval (operational headquarters of Reichsleiter Rosenberg. Reval).
Ownership characteristics: books have ownership records, seals, stamps.
Admission time: all the books entered the library after the war, in the 1950s.

Sources: Издания петровского времени в фонде Национальной библиотеки Беларуси : Кн. гражд. печати (1708-1725): кат. коллекции / [сост. Н. И. Романова; ред. Т. И. Рощина]. Минск: Красико-принт, 2002. – 34 с., [7] л. ил.; 20 см. + 1 компакт-диск. – (Книжные сокровища Беларуси).

Романова, Н. И. Издания петровского времени в фонде Национальной библиотеки Беларуси / Н. И. Романова // IV Международные Кирилло-Мефодиевские чтения, посвященные Дням славянской письменности и культуры (Мінск, 24-26 мая 1998 г.) : материалы чтений / рэдкал.: А. У. Пазнякоў (адк. рэд.) і інш. – Мн., 1999. – Ч. 2. – С. 86–90.

Registration number: K-000000011