C. Iulii. Solini polyhistor, rerum toto orbe memorabilium locupletissimus

Registration number


Place of publication/creation


Date of publication/creation


Edition cipher


Extent, dimensions

[20], 230 с. ; 2º (33 см).

Language of the artefact
ОФХ архивных документов, старопечатных изданий и рукописей

Gaius Julius Solinus (III век) – Latin grammarian and historian, lived in the first half of the third century. He compiled a work entitled "De mirabilibus mundi" ("The wonders of the world") or "Collectanea Rerum Memorabilium" ("Collection of Curiosities"), which contained a description of the ancient world. "Polyhistor" is a encyclopedia on multiple subjects, somewhat like Pliny the Elder's Natural History or Isidore of Seville's Etymologies. However, the text of Solinus has a definite structure; it is based on geography. Solinus describes a place, its character, history and peoples, and then adds details about the animals, plants and stones to be found there.

Copy specific attributes

Artificial unit

Binding material
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Age of binding
Book block material
Physical description of the copy

Гравіраваныя ініцыялы. Гравюры (карты) на с.: 23, 30, 43, 47, 48, 54, 55, 61, 63, 83, 105, 113, 154, 158, 180, 189, 19.

Additional information about the copy


Канвалют. Таксама ў гэтым пераплёце: Boccaccio, Giovanni. Περι γενεαλογιας deorum, libri quindecim. Basileae [Basel] : Apud Io. Hervagium, 1532.

У змесце: Pomponi Melae Cosmographi de orbis situ. Liber 1-3. С. 151-230.

Сігнатуры літарныя. Кустоды.

Пераплёт: скура на дошках, на спінцы, вечках сляпое цісненне. Бінцікі (4).