Decreta et constitutione publice in Conve[n]tu generali Piotrcovien[sis]

Registration number


Place of publication/creation



Hieronym Wietor

Date of publication/creation

Po 7 III 1538]

Edition cipher


Extent, dimensions

[14] л. ; 2º

Language of the artefact
ОФХ архивных документов, старопечатных изданий и рукописей

Polish printer Hieronymus Vietor worked in Krakow and made the city famous as a centre of Latin book-printing. Among the Krakow publications of Hieronymus Vietor we can note Statuta serenissimi domini Sigismundi Primi Polonie Regis et Magni Ducis Lithuanie... and Decreta et convente publice in Conve [n] tu generali Piotrcovien [sis].

External sources

Каталог палеотипов ЦНБ Украины, 668; Cytowska, 49; Estr. XVI, 109; Kawecka-Gryczowa, 53.

Copy specific attributes

Part of artificial unit

Age of binding
Book block material
Physical description of the copy

Гравюры: на адвароце тытульнага ліста дрэварыт герба Польшчы.

Additional information about the copy


Алігат. Прыплецена да: Statuta serenissimi domini Sigismundi Primi Polonie Regis et Magni Ducis Lithuanie. [Cracoviae [Krakow], 1524].

Сігнатуры: A-C(2). Загаловак і назвы раздзелаў гатычным шрыфтам.

Provenance of the copy

На тытульным аркушы выціснута манаграма.