Typis Academicis Societatis Iesu
[12], 157 c. ; 4° (19 см).
The author of the book is Konstantin Kazimir Bzhostovsky (1644–1722), a religious and political figure in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Representative of the noble family of Bzhostovsky. Son of Cyprian Pavel Bzhostovsky. Canon of Vilna (since 1661), cathedral preacher (since 1664). In 1665 he went to study in Rome, where he received a doctorate in theology (1669). Spiritual Secretary of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1670–84), Bishop of Smolensk (1684–87) and Vilna (from 1687). Author of theological works.
Бібліяграфія: Bibliografia polska / przez K. Estreichera. Cz. 3 : (Obejmująca druki stóleci XV―XVIII w układzie abecadłowym). T. 19 (30) : Su―Sz. Kraków : wydanie Akademii Umiejętności, 1934. C. 158 ; Vilniaus Akademijos spaustuves leidiniai 1576―1805: bibliografią / K. Čepienè, I. Petrauskienè. Vilnius, 1979. № 1455.
Застаўкі, гравіраваныя ініцыялы. На адвароце тытульнага ліста - герб.
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