Typis Sac: Reg: Majestatis Patrum Minorum Conventualium
[2], 152 c. ; 4° (20 см)
The author of the book is a churchman, theologian, Franciscan. He was born not far from Vilnius. He was educated at the Vilna Academy and then studied at the college in Assisi, where he received his doctorate in theology. In Vilna he wrote and published theological-dogmatic and theological works.
Бібліяграфія: Estreicher, Karol. Bibliografia polska / przez K. Estreichera. Cz. 3 : (Obejmująca druki stóleci XV―XVIII w układzie abecadłowym). T. 2 (13) : [Bi―Bz]. ― Kraków : wydanie Akademii Umiejętności, 1894. - C. 433;
Part of artificial unit
Сігнатуры: A(4)-T(4)
Канцоўка. Размежавальныя палосы з наборнага арнаменту