Dissertatio theologica scholastico-dogmatica

Registration number


Place of publication/creation



Typis S.R.M. Academicis Societatis Jesu

Date of publication/creation


Edition cipher


Extent, dimensions

[16], 98 c. ; 4° (20 см)

Language of the artefact
ОФХ архивных документов, старопечатных изданий и рукописей

The author of the book is a churchman, theologian, Franciscan. He was born not far from Vilnius. He was educated at the Vilna Academy and then studied at the college in Assisi, where he received his doctorate in theology. In Vilna he wrote and published theological-dogmatic and theological works

External sources

Бібліяграфія: Bibliografia polska / przez K. Estreichera. Cz. 3 : (Obejmująca druki stóleci XV―XVIII w układzie abecadłowym). T. 2 (13) : [Bi―Bz]. Kraków : wydanie Akademii Umiejętności, 1894. C. 433 ; Vilniaus Akademijos spaustuves leidiniai 1576―1805: bibliografią / K. Čepienè, I. Petrauskienè. Vilnius, 1979. № 1252

Copy specific attributes

Part of artificial unit

Age of binding
Book block material
Physical description of the copy

Сігнатуры: (4), (4), A(4)-M(4), N(1).

Застаўка, канцоўка; гравіраваныя ініцыялы. На тытульным лісце размежавальная паласа з наборнага арнаменту

Additional information about the copy


Алігат. Прыплецены да: Bujalski A. B. Tractatus theologicus historico-critico-dogmaticus : de sacra scriptura. Vilnae : Typis Sac: Reg: Maj: Patrum Minorum Conventualium, 1762