Fons gratiarum inter Palaemonio-Trocenses fontes tot ostijs, quot gratijs exvberans coeli terraeq regina a Sanctissimo Domino nostro Clemente XI coronatus coronarius Litvaniae primatiali vero curâ et operâ nec non inauguratrice dexterâ Illustrissimi, Execellentissimi, et Reverendissimi Domini Domini, Constantini Casimiri Brzostowski Dei et Apostolicae Sedis gratiâ Episcopi Vilnensis, etc. primatis praesulum quiritumq; palaemonij orbis honoratus

Registration number


Place of publication/creation



Typis Universitatis Societatis Jesu

Date of publication/creation


Edition cipher


Extent, dimensions

[20] c. ; 2° (30 см)

Language of the artefact
ОФХ архивных документов, старопечатных изданий и рукописей

The author of the book is Konstantin Kazimir Brzhostovsky (1644–1722) — a religious and political leader of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Representative of the noble family of Brzhostovsky. Son of Tsiprian Pavel Brzhostovsky. Canonnik Vilensky (from 1661), cathedral preacher (from 1664). In 1665 he went to study in Rome, where he received a doctorate in theology (1669). Spiritual Secretary of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1670–84), Bishop of Smolensk (1684–87) and Vilensk (from 1687). Author of theological works

External sources

Бібліяграфія: Vilniaus Akademijos spaustuves leidiniai, 1576―1805: bibliografią / K. Čepienè, I. Petrauskienè. Vilnius, 1979. № 1623; Bibliografia polska / przez K. Estreichera. Cz. 3 : (Obejmująca druki stóleci XV―XVIII w układzie abecadłowym). T. 2 (13) : [Bi―Bz]. Kraków : wydanie Akademii Umiejętności, 1894. C. 399

Copy specific attributes

Part of artificial unit

Age of binding
Book block material
Physical description of the copy

Сігнатуры літарныя: A(2)-E(2). Кустоды

Гравіраваныя застаўкі, ініцыялы, канцоўка, герб на адвароце тытульнага ліста

Marks in book
Body of the book state of preservation
Additional information about the copy


Алігат. Прыплецены да: Arcus triumphalis. [Varsaviae, 18 ст.]

Actions with the copy

Дэфектны экзэмпляр: пашкоджаны ражкі старонак, бурыя плямы

Provenance of the copy

На с. [20] запіс чарнілам: Kart 10