Hanc legendam beatissime virginis Katherine noviter ex quam pluribus recollectam fideliter cum uno parvo sermone fecit imprimi Basilee reverendissim[us] et [dns] [dns] Raimundus de Aquitania nat[us] miseratione divina Sancte Marie novem, Sacrosancte romane ecclesie presbyter Cardinalis Gurcenis

Registration number


Place of publication/creation

Basilee [Basel]

Date of publication/creation


Edition cipher


Extent, dimensions

[27] л. ; 8º (20 см).

Language of the artefact
ОФХ архивных документов, старопечатных изданий и рукописей

Raymond Peraudi (1435–1505) was a French Augustinian, papal legate and cardinal. He took part in diplomatic negotiations with the pope, emperor and king of France.

Copy specific attributes
Binding material
Age of binding
Book block material
Body of the book state of preservation
Additional information about the copy


Сігнатуры: A(8)-C(8), D(5).

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