L'histoire et chronique du treschrestien roy S. Loys, IX. du Nom, et XLIIII. Roy de France

Registration number


Place of publication/creation



par Iehan et Enguilbert de Marnef freres

Date of publication/creation

1547 (1546)

Edition cipher


Extent, dimensions

[8], CCXVIII, [6] л. ; 4º (17 см).

Language of the artefact
ОФХ архивных документов, старопечатных изданий и рукописей

Joinville, Jean de (1224–1317) – French medieval historian, biographer of Louis IX Saint.

External sources

Short-title Catalogue of Books printed in France and French Books printed in other countries from 1470 to 1600 now in the British Museum. London, 1924. C. 245.

Copy specific attributes
Age of binding
Book block material
Body of the book state of preservation
Additional information about the copy

Сігнатуры: a(4)-b(4), a(4)-z(4); A(4)-Z(4); Aa(4)-Ii(4), lz(4).

У пераплёце XX ст. Фарбаваны абрэз.

Actions with the copy

Экзэмпляр дэфектны: папера ў плямах, падцёках. Экзэмпляр рэстаўраваўся.

На л. XXIIII адбітак, вензель: XY.

Provenance of the copy

На пустым лісце надпіс чарнілам: Sire Jehan.

На пустым лісце кнігагандлевы ярлык: Libraire-expert Georges Andrieux 154, Boul. Malisherbes Paris-XVIIe.