Postilla apprime magistralis super Joannis Euangeliare

Registration number


Place of publication/creation



Ioannis Rynman

Date of publication/creation


Edition cipher


Extent, dimensions

[27], 167 f. ; 2º

Language of the artefact
ОФХ архивных документов, старопечатных изданий и рукописей

Albert the Great (about 1193–1280) – German philosopher, theologian, naturalist. Dominican monk. Saint of the Catholic Church (canonized in 1931). Bishop of Regensburg, papal legate, organizer of the crusade on the territory of Germany. Teacher of Foma Aquinas. Author of philosophical works and natural science treatises.

External sources

Adams H. M. Catalogue of Books printed on the Continent of Europe 1501 - 1600 in Combridge Libraries. Cambridge, 1967. Vol.1 № 550.

Copy specific attributes

Part of artificial unit

Age of binding
Book block material
Additional information about the copy


Алігат. Прыплецены да: Prima et secunda partes Postille super Euangeliare Luce / Venerabilis d[omi]ni Alberti magni quondam Ratisponens[is] Episcopi Ordinis Predicatorum. P. 1 -2. Hagenau : Ioannis Rynman, 1504. 343 f.

Выхадныя звесткі ўзяты з калафону: Venerabilis domini: d[omi]ni Alberti magni Ratisponen[n]sis... Postilla : Eua[n]geliu[m] Joannis profundata... Impe[n]sis Circumspecti viri Joannis Rynman... In officina He[n]rici Gran... Anno Mdiiij.

Сігнатуры літарныя: aa(8)-cc(8), dd(6), ee(8)-gg(8), hh(6), ii(8)-kk(8), ll(6), mm(8)-nn(8), oo(6), pp(8)-qq(8), rr(6), ss(8), tt(6), vv(8), xx(6)-yy(6), zz(7).

Тэкст у два слупкі.

Provenance of the copy

Шматлікія паметы ў тэксце, маргіналіі.