ex Officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti
[46], 358, [2], LXXII, [62] c. ; 12° (14 см).
"Sacrosancti et Oecumenici Concilii Tridentini" is a publication of the Plantin printing house. The books of the famous printing house were successful due to their excellent design. The fonts were created by the best specialists, and the engravings were created by excellent artists and engravers. Plantin took care of the repertoire of books and kept in touch with well-known scientists in Europe. After the death of Christophe Plantin in 1589, his legacy was continued by his family. Plantin's family business lasted more than 300 years. In 1865 the publishing house was closed, and in 1875 the building was acquired by the Belgian government. Since 1877, the fully preserved publishing house with printing equipment has served as a museum. In 2005, the museum became the first museum institution inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Сігнатуры: *(12), **(12), A(12)-P(12), a(12)-e(12), f(6). Кустоды. Друкаваныя маргіналіі.
Гравіраваныя ініцыялы, канцоўкі, на тытульным лісце сюжэтная гравюра, на старонцы з сігнатурай **3 партрэт Папы Рымскага Паўла III, на с. 78 партрэт Папы Рымскага Юлія III, на с. 154 партрэт Папы Рымскага Пія IV.
Пераплёт XVII ст.: карычневая скура на кардоне. На спінцы залатое цісненне з арнаментам. Чырвоны крапаны абрэз. Бінцікі (5).
Дэфектны экзэмпляр: с. 353-358 уплецены паміж с. 344 і 345.