W Wilnie
w Drukarni Akademickiey Societatis Jesu
[12] c. ; 2° (30 см)
The first Catholic printing house was founded in Vilnius in 1574 by Christopher Nikolai Radzvill the Orphan. From 1586 to 1805, the printing house belonged to the Vilnius Academy. The academic or university period of the printing house is well-known and significant for culture - books were published, the significance of which in religious life, the development of culture and science is difficult to overestimate. From 1576 to 1805, 3264 editions were published in the printing house.
Бібліяграфія: Vilniaus Akademijos spaustuves leidiniai, 1576―1805: bibliografią / K. Čepienè, I. Petrauskienè. Vilnius, 1979. № 1725; Bibliografia polska / przez K. Estreichera. Cz. 3 : (Obejmująca druki stóleci XV―XVIII w układzie abecadłowym). T. 16 (27) : S―Sh. Kraków : wydanie Akademii Umiejętności, 1929. C. 105.
Part of artificial unit
Сігнатуры літарныя: І(2)-L(2). Кустоды.
Гравіраваныя ініцыялы, застаўка, канцоўка, герб на адвароце тытульнага ліста.
На с. [12] запіс чарнілам: Kart 6. Рукапісныя паметы ў тэксце.