Volume: as of 01.01.2019, it has about 700 copies of books and dozens of scientific magazines titles.
Chronological framework: Literature of the late 18th – early 20th centuries: 1780–1922. Among the early editions of the collection there is “Kaiser Karl der Vierte, König in Böchmen” by Czech historian F. M. Pelzl, published in 2 volumes in Prague in 1780–1781. Collection numbers are “BG766”, “BG412”.
Language characteristics: European and Slavonic languages.
Additional information: the Library of the Russian philologist and Slavist K. J. Grot is kept in the collection of the Bibliology Research Department. The collection is a documentary source for historians, literary critics, linguists, ethnographers, researchers of the statehood formation of many Slavic countries and their unique literary languages, national literatures. Some of the books came from the library of his father – famous Russian academic, philologist Yakov Karlovich Grot. This fact is indicated by dedicatory inscriptions on the earliest book copies of this slavistics collection by the date of publication. It consists of scientific monographs, scientific collections, convolutes on Slavic philology, history, ethnography, rare dictionaries, biographies of Slavic national figures and heroes, and foreign scientific periodicals. Most of the books and magazines are in foreign languages, some are printed in Gothic script. Today each copy is given a new collection number. The collection rarities include the world’s first scientific edition of the old Slavonic grammar by Czech scientist and patriarch of Slavonic studies Josef Dobrovsky “Institutiones linguae Slavicae dialecti veteris”, published in Vienna in 1822. It is a copy with numerous handwritten edits, inserts and 2 title sheets – a printed one (1822) and a handwritten one (1843) – stamped by the library of Dobrovsky’s disciple – mystifier V. Ganki. The collection number: “БГ369”.
The possessory marks: Possessory stamp “К. Грот”, possessory stamp “... Грота”. Possessory record in ink “К. Грот”. The collection is rich in books and pamphlets with dedicatory inscriptions made by their authors, translators, publishers to the son and father Grots (in Russian and other Slavonic languages). Among the well-known authors of such dedicatory inscriptions there are philologist E. F. Karsky, Church historian I. S. Palmov, linguist N. M. Petrovsky, folklorist P. V. Shane, writer and translator S. V. Stein, philologist V. Yagich and others.
Entry time: 1925.
Сільнова, Л.Д. Славістычная калекцыя «Бібліятэка К.Я. Грота» ў фондах Нацыянальнай бібліятэкі Беларусі / Л.Д. Сільнова // Здабыткі: дакументальныя помнікі на Беларусі / Нацыянальная бібліятэка Беларусі; складальнікі: Л.Г. Кірухіна, К.В. Суша. – Мінск, 2009. – Вып. 11. – С. 183–194.
Сільнова, Л.Д. Выданні ХІХ – пачатку ХХ ст. асобных гісторыкаў мовы ў кнігазборы «Бібліятэка К.Я. Грота»: з фондаў Нацыянальнай бібліятэкі Беларусі / Л.Д. Сільнова // Гістарычнае мовазнаўства ў кантэксце міждысцыплінарных даследванняў: зборнік артыкулаў Міжнароднай навуковай канферэнцыі (Мінск, 25–26 кастрычніка 2017 г.). – Мінск: Права і эканоміка, 2017. – С. 278–284.
Сільнова, Л.Д. Першае навуковае выданне стараславянскай граматыкі Іосефа Добраўскага ў кнігазборы К.Я. Грота / Л.Д. Сільнова // Матэрыялы XIV Міжнародных кнігазнаўчых чытанняў, прымеркаваных да 400-годдзя першага «Буквара», Мінск, 26–27 красавіка 2018 г. / Нацыянальная бібліятэка Беларусі ; [складальнікі: Т.А. Сапега, А.А. Суша]. – Мінск, 2018. – С. 177–181.
Registration number: K-000000019